Open Competitions

Impressionist - Poetry competition
First impressions count! Send us your impressionist poems in this contest marking the 150th anniversary of the first exhibition of Impressionist paintings in Paris.
Closing Date 15/05/2024
Create a family dynamic or family drama that's central to a story - any kind of family including traditional, non-traditional, biological, alternative, chosen.
Closing Date 15/05/2024
Open Short Story
No restriction on style or theme - here's your chance to send us any short stories you're really proud of!
Closing Date 15/06/2024
Grand Prize 2024
Win a whopping £1,000 for short fiction in any style and on any theme, up to 2,000 words
Closing Date 01/07/2024
Christmas Poetry
In the middle of summer, write a festive poem for seasonal publication
Closing Date 15/07/2024
Christmas poems
In the middle of summer, write a festive poem for seasonal publication
Closing Date 15/07/2024
Happy Ending
Happy ever after, happy for now
Closing Date 15/07/2024