Writing for children prize: Searchlight Awards 2024 Best Novel Opening for Children or Young Adults


24 June 2024
Searchlight Writing for Children Awards is inviting entries of the beginning of a novel for middle grade or YA readers

To enter, send the first chapter up to 1,200 words of a novel manuscript for middle grade or young adult readers, plus a short pitch.

The top ten entries will feature in a Pitch Book of winning stories, which is sent to an extensive list of literary agents and publishers who have requested it. The first prize winner will receive £1,000 and a one-to-one call with the agent judge. The second prize winner will receive an editorial review and an hour-long online meeting with Steve Voake.

Winners will be chosen by Rachel Petty of The Blair Partnership.

The entry fee is £16.

The closing date is 1 September.

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For full details see the website.


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